Guatemalan Style Chicken Broth Recipe
In Chef’s Recipes we bring you this succulent recipe of homemade chicken broth Guatemalan style, with this recipe you will learn in a simple way How to make a chicken broth? in the right way.
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In Guatemala, it has become a culinary tradition to prepare chicken broth, a dish that cannot be missing from the table of Chapina families. This dish, which is very easy to prepare, has an exquisite flavor that has won the palate of Guatemalans and tourists visiting the country.
The key to the success of this broth is in the cooking process of the hen, which is roasted to give it a better flavor. In addition, a few drops of lemon are added to further highlight its flavor. This dish is characterized by being a delicious mixture of ingredients such as corn, potato, carrot and chicken.
The chicken broth is considered one of the most representative dishes of Guatemalan cuisine and is ideal to share with the family. Its aroma and flavor are irresistible and its preparation is quite simple. In fact, you can find it in most markets and restaurants serving typical Guatemalan food.
If you want to experiment with Guatemalan cuisine and surprise your family with a traditional dish, do not hesitate to try this chicken broth recipe. Prepare it with all the chapín seasoning and enjoy its delicious flavor in the company of your loved ones.
History of the Broth of Hens
Chicken broth is a dish that has been part of the gastronomy of many countries for centuries. In ancient times, chicken broth was believed to have healing properties and health benefits were attributed to it, so it became a very popular dish in traditional medicine. Over time, it became popular as a dish of common cuisine and became one of the most emblematic dishes of the gastronomy of several countries, including Guatemala.
In Guatemala, caldo de gallina is considered a typical and traditional dish, which has become an important part of the country’s gastronomic culture. The preparation of chicken broth in Guatemala is very simple and consists of cooking a hen with vegetables such as carrots, onions and potatoes. The dish is seasoned with salt, pepper and other spices and a little lemon is added to highlight its flavor.
Chicken broth is a meal enjoyed in the company of family and friends, and has become an emblematic dish of Guatemalan culinary culture. Its flavor is delicious and its aroma is irresistible, and it is one of the most representative dishes of the country’s gastronomy. Guatemalan chicken broth has become a symbol of the country’s culture and tradition, and is one of the reasons why tourists visit Guatemala and enjoy its typical food.
How to make chicken broth?
Remember that to prepare a delicious chicken broth you must use quality and fresh ingredients, this to guarantee the success of your recipe.
Caldo de Gallina
- sal al gusto
- sal al gusto
- 1 libra papas
- 12 ramas hierbabuena
- 6 dientes ajo
- 1 manojo tallos de cebolla
- 2 güisquiles tiernos
- 3 tomates grandes
- 1 zanahoria
- 1 aguacate
- Pimienta al gusto
- Tienen que hervir 3 litros de agua, junto con el ajo, los tomates partidos por la mitad y los manojos de cebolla firmemente amarrados.
- Poner por a parte la gallina entera a cocinar con suficiente sal y pimienta durante 3 horas y media en el agua hirviendo.
- Revisar la gallina para verificar que esté suave y bien cocida.
- Media hora antes de que se termine de cocer la gallina hay que agregar la zanahoria, las papas y los guisquiles.
- Agrega la Hierbabuena.
- Se parte la gallina en piezas grandes y se asa, si no tienes como asarla la puedes freir.
- acompáñalo con aguacate, chile, limón y arroz.
Ingredients of Guatemalan chicken broth
- Salt
- 1 pound potatoes
- 12 peppermint branches
- 6 garlic
- 1 bunch onion stalks
- 1 medium onion
- 2 tender güisquiles
- 3 large tomatoes
- 1 carrot
- 1 avocado
Preparation of homemade chicken broth
- They have to boil 3 liters of water, along with garlic, tomatoes split in half and bunches of onion firmly tied.
- Put the whole hen to cook with enough salt and pepper for 3 and a half hours in boiling water.
- Check the hen to verify that it is soft and well cooked.
- Half an hour before the chicken finishes cooking, add the carrot, potatoes and peas.
- Add the Peppermint.
- The chicken is broken into large pieces and roasted, if you do not have how to roast it you can fry it.
- Accompany it with avocado, chili, lemon and rice.
- Enjoy with your family.
Remember that in Chef’s recipes we have the best recipes in Guatemala.