Recipe for Guatemalan güisquil sandals
Looking for a recipe for Guatemalan güisquil sandals to surprise your taste buds? This typical dessert from Guatemala has become a success thanks to its exquisite flavor and soft, creamy texture. In this recipe, güisquil is the main ingredient that, combined with milk, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla, among others, results in a surprising and creative preparation. Learn how to prepare this delicious recipe for Guatemalan güisquil sandals at home easily and affordably. Keep reading to discover the secrets of this delicious preparation from Guatemalan cuisine.
Güisquil, also known as chayote, is a very popular ingredient in Guatemalan cuisine. However, on this occasion, it is not a savory preparation, but a delicious dessert that has gained fame in recent years: güisquil sandals.
This dessert is characterized by its soft and creamy texture, as well as its sweet and exquisite flavor. It is made from cooked and processed güisquil along with other ingredients, such as milk, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla, among others. Once all the ingredients are mixed, they are baked in the oven for a few minutes.
While it is true that this recipe can surprise any palate, it is also ideal for güisquil lovers who want to try a different and creative alternative. In addition, it is an easy and inexpensive option to prepare at home, making it an accessible option for anyone.
In conclusion, Guatemalan güisquil sandals are a typical dessert from Guatemala that is worth trying. Its flavor and texture are truly surprising, and it is an ingenious option for using güisquil in the kitchen. If you are a lover of this ingredient, do not hesitate to try this delicious recipe and surprise your taste buds.
Origin of Güisquil Sandals
Guatemalan güisquil sandals are a typical dessert from Guatemala that has gained popularity in recent years thanks to its exquisite flavor and soft, creamy texture. But, what is the origin of this delicious dessert?
According to history, güisquil sandals originated in the region of Huehuetenango, in the northwest of Guatemala. It is said that it was in a small town called San Rafael La Independencia where this delicious preparation was first created.
It is said that, at that time, people in the region mainly used güisquil to prepare savory dishes. However, one day a woman decided to try a new way to use güisquil and came up with making a dessert with it.
The woman cooked the güisquils and processed them along with other ingredients such as milk, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla, among others. Then, she took the mixture to the oven to bake for a few minutes. The result was a delicious dessert that quickly became popular among the region’s inhabitants.
Since then, güisquil sandals have become one of the most beloved sweet preparations in Guatemala. They can be found in many places in the country, both in restaurants and in street stalls and Guatemalan families’ homes.
In conclusion, Guatemalan güisquil sandals are a typical dessert from Guatemala whose origin dates back to the Huehuetenango region. Thanks to the creativity of a woman, a delicious preparation was created that is now very popular throughout the country. If you have the opportunity to try this dessert, do not hesitate to do so. You will be surprised by its flavor and texture.
Recipe for Güisquil Sandals
Remember that before preparing your succulent recipes, you must have quality and fresh ingredients so that your recipes come out tasty.

Receta de Chancletas de Güisquil guatemaltecas
- 1 huevo
- ¼ taza crema
- ½ cucharada vainilla blanca
- 1 cucharada canela en polvo
- ⅓ taza azucar
- 2 cucharadas mantequilla
- 6 onz pasas
- 3 taza agua
- 1 onz Canela en raja
- 1½ taza azucar
- 6 pimientas gordas
- 4 güisquiles
- 4 onz almendra lazca
- 1 taza miga de pan dulce
- Hierve el agua junto con la pimienta, canela y el azúcar por un tiempo de 5 minutos.
- Parte a la mitad los güisquiles de punta a punta y agrégalos al agua hirviendo.
- Hervir por un tiempo de 35 minutos hasta que estén suaves y bien cocidos.
- Retira del fuego.
- Con una cucharita retira la pulpa y la luna de los güisquiles.
- Pon los güisquiles en un colador para que escurran.
- Con un tenedor machaca la pulpa del güisquil hasta que quede como puré.
- Mezcla la pulpa con el el huevo, crema, vainilla, canela en polvo y azúcar.
- Incorpora a la mezcla las almendras, la champurrada triturada y pasas
- Llena la cáscara de el güisquil con la deliciosa mezcla.
- Decora todo con más pasas.
- Espolvorea la champurrada y almendra triturada, también agrega mantequilla derretida para resaltar el sabor.
- Coloca las cáscaras con la mezcla en un recipiente para hornear y precalienta el horno a 350º F.
- Hornea por 35 minutos.
- Disfrútalo con tus seres queridos.
Ingredients for Recipe for Guatemalan güisquil sandals:
- 1 egg. 1/4 cup of cream.
- 1/2 teaspoon of white vanilla.
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
- 1/3 cup of sugar.
- 2 tablespoons of butter.
- 6 ounces of raisins.
- 3 cups of water.
- 1 ounce of cinnamon stick.
- 1 1/2 cups of sugar.
- 6 whole black peppers.
- 4 green güisquiles (also known as chayotes).
- 4 ounces of sliced almonds.
- 1 cup of sweet bread crumbs.
How to make Recipe for Guatemalan güisquil sandals:
- Boil the water together with the black peppers, cinnamon stick, and sugar for 5 minutes.
- Cut the güisquiles in half from end to end and add them to the boiling water.
- Boil for 35 minutes until they are soft and well cooked.
- Remove from heat.
- Using a spoon, remove the pulp and seed from the güisquiles.
- Place the güisquiles in a strainer to drain.
- With a fork, mash the güisquil pulp until it becomes a puree.
- Mix the pulp with the egg, cream, vanilla, cinnamon powder, and sugar.
- Add the almonds, crushed sweet bread crumbs, and raisins to the mixture.
- Fill the güisquil shells with the delicious mixture.
- Decorate with more raisins.
- Sprinkle with the crushed sweet bread crumbs and almonds, and add melted butter to enhance the flavor.
- Place the filled güisquil shells in a baking dish and preheat the oven to 350º F.
- Bake for 35 minutes.
- Enjoy with your loved ones.
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