Guatemalan Banana Atol Recipe
The Guatemalan banana atol recipe is a delicious hot drink that you can find in any typical food stall.
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With this recipe you will learn How to make banana atol? in the kitchen of your house and you will enjoy it with your whole family, you will also learn what the ingredients of banana atol are.
It is important to emphasize that to make a good Guatemalan banana atol you must use ripe bananas, this drink is perfect for a cold day.
This is a simple and quick homemade recipe to prepare, the Guatemalan banana atol can be found in all the patron saint fairs of the country.
If you live abroad and want to try the delicacies of Guatemala follow this recipe to the letter to delight your palate.
Guatemalan banana atol recipe
Remember that for this recipe to be succulent you must use fresh and high quality ingredients, in order to delight your loved ones.

Receta de atol de plátano
- ½ tasa azúcar
- 6 tasas agua
- 1 raja canela
- 2 plátanos maduros
- Se ponen a hervir en una olla las seis tazas de agua.
- Partir los plátanos en 3 partes con todo y su cascara, solo hay que tirar de las puntas.
- Cuando el agua esté hirviendo se echan los plátanos partidos con todo y su cascará.
- Cocinar los plátanos hasta que estén suaves.
- Cuando estén bien cocidos, sacarlos del agua (no tires esa agua), retirar la cascará y los trituras en licuadora es lo más recomendable.
- agregar nuevamente los plátanos triturados al agua donde los cocinaste.
- Añadir azúcar al gusto y las rajas de canela.
- cocinar la mezcla a fuego lento de 10 a 15 minutos.
- A disfrutar en familia.
Guatemalan banana atol ingredients
- Half a cup of sugar
- Six cups of water
- 1 cinnamon slice
- Two ripe bananas
preparation of banana atol
- Boil in a pot the six cups of water.
- Split the bananas into 3 parts with everything and their peel, you just have to pull the tips.
- When the water is boiling, the split bananas are poured with everything and their peel.
- Cook the bananas until soft.
- When they are well cooked, remove them from the water (do not throw away that water), remove the peel and crush them in a blender is the most recommended.
- Add the crushed bananas back to the water where you cooked them.
- Add sugar to taste and cinnamon slices.
- cook the mixture over low heat for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Enjoy with the family.
It is recommended that you accompany it with muffins and sweet bread.
We also recommend that you enjoy a delicious typical chapín breakfast.
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